Keel Hunt is a columnist for the USA Today Network in Tennessee and the author of three books on Tennessee political and business history. He has been a reporter, editor, Washington correspondent, and editorial writer. From 1979 to 1986 he was Special Assistant to Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander. 

Keel’s Crossing the Aisle, How Bipartisanship Brought Tennessee to the 21st Century and Could Save America was the 2018 follow up to his Coup, The Day the Democrats Ousted Their Governor of 2013. Both were published by Vanderbilt University Press. His third book, from West Margin Press in 2021, was The Family Business: How Ingram Transformed the World of Books .

He enjoys his family, photography, and travel. He and his wife Marsha live in Nashville and on Sanibel Island, Florida.

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Keel’s Field Notes, which often become newspaper columns, are more frequent posts about politics, our civic life, and how things change.


Keel Hunt is the author of three books on Tennessee politics and culture. He a columnist for the USA Today Network in Tennessee. He has been a reporter, editor, Washington correspondent, and editorial writer.